When will my order shipped?

  • Your order will ship 3-5 business days after we process your payment

Do I need to trim my wicks?

  • Yes, Before each and every burn of your candle it's important to trim the wick. If your candle wick is too long it can cause smoke and blacken the sides of your vessels. We recommend a cut length of 1/8 inch using a wick trimmer. However, small household scissors or nail clippers work just fine. We recommend that you only cut the wick once the wax has cooled to avoid any trimmings in the wax. Having a wick that is too long will not only cause your candle to burn quicker and hotter., it could also prohibit your wick from even staying lit.

How do I remove the excess wax to reuse the vessels?

  • If you are wanting to reuse your vessels a good way of removing the excess wax in the bottom is to place the vessel in the freezer for 1/2 hour. This will shrink the wax and can be easily removed. Otherwise, run some hot water from the tap, adding a little liquid dish detergent into the tumbler and leave to soak overnight. The tumbler can then be emptied and you can dispose of the wax. Gently pick off the wick sticker but be careful to not use sharp objects to remove, as this may scratch the vessel. Wash your vessels with warm soapy water and sponge. Leave to dry as normal and your vessel is ready to use again.